If you have a child at home who has shown interest in starting dance classes, then read on!  Or maybe they dance around the house all day (with or without music!). If you’re worried that your child may be too young or too old to start lessons, then we discuss below when is the right age to start dance classes?

Benefits of Beginning Dance Young

For young dancers under 4 years old, the most important thing is that they are interested in trying. At this young age, toddlers and pre-schoolers are still developing coordination and gross motor skills as well as learning to talk, listen and interact socially.  For our littlest dancers, a dance class can be a great way to supplement what they may be learning in pre-school or daycare. Plus it’s a great way to encourage self-confidence and teach them how their body moves. At the toddler age, your local dance studio may offer a mummy/daddy and toddler class which is a great option.

Many children really take to dancing independently around 5 or 6 years old. That’s not to say it’s the right age for every child, but as this age falls when children start school, they tend to be able to follow simple instructions and may be a little more independent.


That said, research suggests the most conducive age to begin more serious training is around 7-9 years old. This is usually the time when children have the ability to sit still and pay attention in class and they can connect how their learning translates to their movements. Children mature at different ages, both physically and mentally, so it’s important to think about the individual needs of your own child.


It’s Never Too Late to Take Dance Lessons

It doesn’t matter what age your child is, it’s never too late to learn to dance. Simply because an activity may not lead to a lifelong career doesn’t mean that it isn’t an activity worth doing for physical health, social maturity, and fun! Children of any age can learn the joy of dancing.

We find parents of dancers older than 10 who come to us often say “She’s never danced before – is she too old?”  The answer is simple- NO!

Your teen or tween will find it far easier to absorb and understand new concepts than younger dancers so they will often retain the technical knowledge with more ease.  This allows them to focus on the execution and performance quality of the steps!


How Will I Know If My Child is Ready for Dance Classes?

Firstly, if you notice your child loves dancing to music at home that’s often a good sign! Children who can follow simple instructions, for example: moving their body parts, listening and working with a partner or in a group. A good way to test this out with the younger dancers at home is playing a simple game of ‘Simon Says’.

Many dance studios offer a Free Trial class, which allows you to make sure that your dancer is able to handle the class for their age and/or skill expectations.  So what are you waiting for?

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